Mini Reviews
The True Lives Of Fabulous Killjoys:National Anthem[comic]
Other than the main character sharing the nickname "Party posion" and his team being called "The faboulus killjoys" this comic has no relation to danger days album or the california comic. The comic is about mike milligram being trapped in a some sort of simulation after the fight between old teenage super hero gangs.
After the "Analog wars" 2 computers named "Mom" and "Dad" create varius super hero gangs to figth with andriods which only these super hero gangs can see.the killjoys have 5 member; Party Posion, Animax, Kyle %100(who later transiones to Kara), Blue and Red. There are a bunch of gangs mentioned in the comics but the most important one is "Books on Tape". Books on tape guys are like "Hey guys, mom and dad hve someting to show us" and mike milligram was like "fuck that" and he starts shooting the nerds, everyone starts shooting each other and Blue dies in the crossfire. After these events books on tape nerd find a way to take over the world and bend the reality to make it "perfect" and through out the story now adult Mike rearanges his old team to beat the nerds.
This comic remineded me of the umbrella academy comics. It has similiar gimicky superhero's and a general surreal tone where fantasy and reality blendes in eachother beutifullily. The characters are so fun; Mike milligram is sometimes "charismatic", angsty teenage boy (even as an adult) but never in annoying power fantasy way. "Red" is the cool mom of the group, Kara is intorduced as trans women pretty smoothtly and Animax... is there. Like Animax is cool and seems like a nice dude but isn't really developed and kinda follows where ever mike and Red lead him, Kara is a side character too but she didn't blindly follow them and even told them to fuck off because she hadlife of her own now. Then again, Animax's renion was cops arresting him and mike shooting them up so he propbably didn't have time to prosess what was happening... still, would have like to see more of him.
Lastly, the artstlye. I love the artstyle of this comic. It has reminds me of old school superhero comic style and it's very colorfull and pretty