Victoria Deamon, born in the Lastland to human father and a demon mother with a older brother, is a 17 year old girl currently studying chemistry in Sengul university. Graduating from Demogur highschool at the age of 14, Victoria was always interested in learing. More specifically, learing the limit of mortality and how to overcome it. This curiosity lead her to start her research in re-animation theory
Zeen, a 23 year old şülağ who currently studies at Sengul university and the lab partner of Victoria. Born in planet Y-53H lived a simple life until their dimension got destroyed due to a galactic war and them and their parent escaped into the lastland
while Zeen, due to still being young, was mostly able to adapt to the atmosphere of the Lastland. Their parent wasn't. Over the years Zeen's leg muscles started getting weaker and weaker due to the dense gravity of the lastland compared to their home planet, nowadays they usually require to use a wheelchair.
Zeen mostly taught themselves the common language and "basic" biology, soon they started studying it in Sengul University. After the disappearance of "Agneau", they started researching re-animation with Victoria Daemon
On Re-animation theory
Re-animation theory, in abstract, is the that a organic body can be re-animated or bring back to life through purely scientific means(without the help of necromatic magic)
Re-animation theory was first proposed by üaü in 1835, his theory was that
"The physical body can exist and function without a soul. the soul of a body is just consciousness, and with function consciousness will naturally develop an find it's way back to the body. The life force that animates the body can be imitated by other means"
His first attempt was simply putting a body back together and pumping blood with the hope of restarting the heart. This did not work and before he can try any other methods he destroyed his physical body by a particularly hard cough, his soul did nor manifest as a gosht but probably traveled to end of the multiverse
-Successful experiments-
no:234556 or commonly referred as "Adam" by we, the research team, is currently the only successful experiment on re-animation.
Can do:
Can't do: